Hallo Patrizier

  • Nachdem mein Windows 8 – Rechner nun gestorben ist, möchte ich aber nicht auf "Patrizier" verzichten.

    Leider bekomme ich das Programm aber auf Windows 10 nicht zum laufen.

    Wer kann mir helfen ???

  • ich habe mir die "Gold Edition" gekauft und installiert.

    Wenn ich das Spiel starten will, sagt der PC Original-CD einlegen.

    Im Gegensatz zu meiner früheren "Patrizier II"- Version hat die "Gold Version" aber nur eine CD und die liegt physisch im Laufwerk.

    warum startet das Spiel nicht ???

  • danke, dass doch noch jemand antwortet.

    kannst Du mir sagen wo ich "direktX" finde? wenn ich bei Windows10 unten links das zum suchen eingebe, wird die Suche einfach gelöscht ohne etwas anzuzeigen

    Grafiktest habe ich eigentlich durchlaufen lassen - und alle gehen - ich kann aber auch tatsächlich keine Auflösung auswählen

  • Hallo winfried,

    dass hier relativ spät geantwortet wird, liegt an der Inaktivität dieses Forums (, was nicht immer so war). Hab also bitte etwas Geduld :)

    Ich bin kein WIN-Experte, gegoogelt wird mir zum Beispiel dieser Beitrag bei Giga angezeigt.

    Ich selbst habe die Grafikeinstellungen auf 800x600 bzw. bei 1024x768 auf meinen beiden Rechnern. Kann da vielleicht jemand anders nochmal helfen?

  • Danke

    ich spiele das Spiel schon Jahrzehnte und weiß dass es früher hier viel aktiver war - sollte ja keine Beleidigung sein, sondern meine Freude ausdrücken, weil ich die Hoffnung auf Hilfe schon aufgegeben hatte.

    Wie man oben sieht, habe ich keine Möglichkeit eine Grafikeinstellung zu wählen. Das Komische ist, wenn ich auf Grafikkartentest gehe, läuft der Test problemlos durch !?

  • Patrician 3 is a little tricky to install on WIndows 10 due to its design was made for older CRT-type of monitors.

    1.Purchase this game on http://www.gog.com

    2.Download multisupport for monitors at https://steamcommunity.com/sha…filedetails/?id=382413909

    3.Copy the content to Patrician 3 folder.

    4.Overwrite everything.

    5.Create a shortcut (with the modded P3.exe to desktop).

    6.Add the following after the " /norescheck example: "Patrician.3" /norescheck (this disables the older res-settings).

    7.Enjoy Patrician now even better because you can have everything on ultra

    with visible convoys as also weather effects.

    Its a very good deep game with excellent mechanics.

    Sell as much at least at 15% margin is aquired.

    The Hanseatic Empire as a whole had a profit margin at 15% anually.

    Producing timber can also make a profit, but only where it has full production.

    Even in the hardest settings. Historically the Hanseatic purchased the timber from Torun and Alborg.

    Thoose 18 Golden is lost gold...

  • It was made for Dirext 8 i think so Dx:12 is way overkill.

    It will look great in wide-screen support!!!

    Sell as much at least at 15% margin is aquired.

    The Hanseatic Empire as a whole had a profit margin at 15% anually.

    Producing timber can also make a profit, but only where it has full production.

    Even in the hardest settings. Historically the Hanseatic purchased the timber from Torun and Alborg.

    Thoose 18 Golden is lost gold...

  • Thanks

    I've been playing the game for decades and know that it used to be much more active here - shouldn't be an insult, just expressing my joy because I had already given up hope of help.

    As you can see above, I have no option to choose a graphics setting. The funny thing is when I go to graphics card test, does the test run without any problems!?

    I can help you.

    Help is on the way.

    install it

    Download widescreen monitor support.

    2.Set your setting on 1024x768 in game (don't worry it will change once the bigger screen begins.

    3.Create a shortcut Patrician.exe to your desktop.

    4.Add after the bracket "/norescheck

    5.Start Patrician.3 with the shortcut.

    6.Enjoy Patrician 3 probably the best game in the worĺd...with

    widescreen and weather-effects and the masterfully crafted worldmap.

    all in widescreen...

    Sell as much at least at 15% margin is aquired.

    The Hanseatic Empire as a whole had a profit margin at 15% anually.

    Producing timber can also make a profit, but only where it has full production.

    Even in the hardest settings. Historically the Hanseatic purchased the timber from Torun and Alborg.

    Thoose 18 Golden is lost gold...

  • okay - ich scheine keine Hilfe zu erhalten -


    wie sieht es eigentlich mit Patrizier aus???

    ist das das gleiche wie Patrizier und läuft das auf Windows ????

  • okay - ich scheine keine Hilfe zu erhalten -


    Brygge hat sich extra für dich registriert, um eine Hilfestellung zu geben. Falls von Patrician 3 die Rede ist - das ist das gleiche wie P2, nur auf englisch eben.

    Hast du denn den Hinweis mit Direkt X 8 mal probiert? Oder den Rat von Antwort 13? Vielleicht läuft das Spiel dann schon.

    wie sieht es eigentlich mit Patrizier aus???

    ist das das gleiche wie Patrizier und läuft das auf Windows ????

    Meinst du damit "Der Patrizier" (also Patrizier "1")?

    Das läuft über DOS-Box zum Beispiel, ja.


    Welcome to the forum, Brygge! And thank you very much for your help

  • thanks Brygge

    but ther is a problem - I can´t setting on 1024x768 because exactly this doesn´t work

    Actually you dont.

    You download the graphic fix and download the settinge for your specific screen in HD:

    Then you create a shortcut from that .exe to desktop.

    Add after the " /norescheck

    Thats it, thats it is.

    You dont have to work with direct-X because P3 is very old.

    You just have to download the HD for your specific screen.

    IN your gaming folder create a shortcut for Patrician3.exe

    After "Patrician3.exe" (on the desktop) add "Patrician3.exe" /norescheck

    in that way you bypass every graphic controller.


    Btw im using Windows 10 and it works PERFECT.

    Supersmooth...and fun...

    Sell as much at least at 15% margin is aquired.

    The Hanseatic Empire as a whole had a profit margin at 15% anually.

    Producing timber can also make a profit, but only where it has full production.

    Even in the hardest settings. Historically the Hanseatic purchased the timber from Torun and Alborg.

    Thoose 18 Golden is lost gold...

  • kennt jemand eine Variante von "Patrizier" die unter Windows 10 läuft ???

    Create a shortcut from your gaming folder for "Patrician3.exe".

    On the desktop add (in the end) "Patrician3.exe" /norescheck

    Just dont forget to download and overwrite the HD-fix and mod.

    Because P3 is very fun with it.

    Without it..meehh.. not so fun...

    Sell as much at least at 15% margin is aquired.

    The Hanseatic Empire as a whole had a profit margin at 15% anually.

    Producing timber can also make a profit, but only where it has full production.

    Even in the hardest settings. Historically the Hanseatic purchased the timber from Torun and Alborg.

    Thoose 18 Golden is lost gold...

  • You use the 1024x768 for all HD-setting btw.

    So it is a set and forget type of setting.

    And if you want to skip the intro,

    locate the Intro.Mov

    Just set a bracket before it like this _Intro.Mov

    you bypass it completely and saves 3 seconds..

    Sell as much at least at 15% margin is aquired.

    The Hanseatic Empire as a whole had a profit margin at 15% anually.

    Producing timber can also make a profit, but only where it has full production.

    Even in the hardest settings. Historically the Hanseatic purchased the timber from Torun and Alborg.

    Thoose 18 Golden is lost gold...