Request for an English version of Falko's PII Kalkulator 2.0

  • Hello there fellow merchants.

    Patrician III is a game I bought back in 2007 and which I come back to play every few years, I still love how highly detailed it is. This time I want to do so in a bit more efficient way, while still playing how I like to: On Patrician difficulty, step by step, with manual micromanaging as long as possible and no crazy exploits or massive fabrics constructions that I have observed on some public contests. On the wikia I discovered that the 2010 tips pdf was finally translated, so I've been reading it thoroughly. At one point it links to a spreadsheet that can help to increase accuracy on a "manual" management of the central warehouses system. Unfortunately, the spreadsheet itself is still fully in German. I can make up some of the words, but most of it is rather confusing due to the language barrier. Since I'm just starting up again and as mentioned I take it slowly, it will be a fairly long bit before I'm actually at that stage of the game. I know it might be asking much and it might not really be necessary to keep an efficient enough trading system, but I believe the translation could also help other non-German players that choose to play this great game.

    Greetings and dont let Beneke strike again

    When I cast my eyes over my hometown, and I see how splendidly it has developed over all these years, then I can rightly say with pride: I made my contribution to it.

  • url=][/url]

    Actually you dont need a spreadsheet in My opinion.

    Just finished with a PDF for pricing production and profit with maintanance-level and cost.

    All in One single PDF.

    So you can have 2 monitors open at the same time.

    One for THE game and One monitor for THE Patrician_3.PDF.

    Its basic mathemathics.

    IF you start a fishing industry in for example Lübeck ,you see that they consume 3 fish per thousand.

    A fishinghut has 7 output per week.

    Its therefore possible to sell 6 fish directly to Lübeck and spare 1 for automatic trading.

    2000 inhabitans=6 fish.

    This formula works for any other fabric.

    But must also be notes that hemp and salt are bought efficient elsewhere (or likewise produced).

    Its called network strategies.

    Also alt/tab calculator can be used the same time as playing.

    Using the gog com version with DxWind.


    • Cities.pdf

      (425.74 kB, downloaded 109 times, last: )

    Sell as much at least at 15% margin is aquired.

    The Hanseatic Empire as a whole had a profit margin at 15% anually.

    Producing timber can also make a profit, but only where it has full production.

    Even in the hardest settings. Historically the Hanseatic purchased the timber from Torun and Alborg.

    Thoose 18 Golden is lost gold...

    The post was edited 3 times, last by Brygge ().