[GOG] Community Patches Collection

  • P3 Community Patches

    This is a collection of mods (bugfixes and QOL patches) for the latest P3 release by GOG.com. The source code of all mods is published under the Apache-2.0 license on Github. Compiled binaries can be found in the releases.



    Fix Damage to Offside Ship Artillery

    Fix Invulnerable Ship Artillery Slots

    Fix Market Hall Production of the Town

    Fix New Settlement Ware Production

    Fix Siege Beggar Satisfaction Bonus


    High Res

    Increase Alderman Found Settlement Mission Limit

    Scrollmap Render All Ships

    Shipyard Details

    Tavern Show All Sailors

  • Amazing!

    Its works!

    One thing though, it reverts back to my main monitor (laptop)

    and not to my extended monitor (24 inch Widescreen).

    I downloaded this mod surely to play with the widescreen support and mods.

    Elderman, pirates, widescreen-support, support-mod and the other mods.

    And although it works flawlessly (i havent tested all the mods yet)

    it reverts back to my laptop.

    Can that issue be modded also?

    I made it windowed and dragged it to the extended monitor.

    And yet i reverts back to the main monitor, which i dont like.

    It would knock the game in a whole other ballpark

    if it would stay in extended wide-screen mode.

    Sell as much at least at 15% margin is aquired.

    The Hanseatic Empire as a whole had a profit margin at 15% anually.

    Producing timber can also make a profit, but only where it has full production.

    Even in the hardest settings. Historically the Hanseatic purchased the timber from Torun and Alborg.

    Thoose 18 Golden is lost gold...

  • The mod works wonderful!

    I have tested the fixes and they work.




    All the other=check

    But one thing and a further fix, would be nice to incorporate the Turkish Building technique.

    It would further perfect an almost perfect game.

    It has something to do with the tiling and hex-space of buildings.

    But thats all i know...

    Great Work!

    Sell as much at least at 15% margin is aquired.

    The Hanseatic Empire as a whole had a profit margin at 15% anually.

    Producing timber can also make a profit, but only where it has full production.

    Even in the hardest settings. Historically the Hanseatic purchased the timber from Torun and Alborg.

    Thoose 18 Golden is lost gold...

  • One thing though, it reverts back to my main monitor (laptop)

    and not to my extended monitor (24 inch Widescreen).

    When does it revert? For me, the GOG version of P3 always hops back to my main monitor if the resolution changes, e.g. when entering or leaving the options screen.

    Did you not have this issue before?

  • When i change the minimized windowed mode to maximized.

    it reverts to the original 15" monitor not the 24".

    I was hoping that this mod counterbalanced this issue.

    Besides that i dont really recommend this mod anymore due to is bugginess.

    The orginal Patrician 3 never crashed one during hundreds of hours.

    The mod insight made the game crashed at least 10 times a day.

    My recommendation is to use the mod for the Alderman-mission #build a new town,

    and then revert to the original files.

    It became to sluggish in 1980x1024 (compared it today) even on my main monitor.

    and the difference is huge, even if i appreciate the mod sincerely

    Its great but slow and buggy...

    i do not recommend it besides for the Alderman mission #new town.'

    Then copy the Alderman-save back to the original folder...

    Sell as much at least at 15% margin is aquired.

    The Hanseatic Empire as a whole had a profit margin at 15% anually.

    Producing timber can also make a profit, but only where it has full production.

    Even in the hardest settings. Historically the Hanseatic purchased the timber from Torun and Alborg.

    Thoose 18 Golden is lost gold...

  • When i change the minimized windowed mode to maximized.

    As far as I know, the GOG version does not offer a way to do that. Once you have set presentation=windowedin dxcfg.ini, the game will be in windowed mode after the next start, and it cannot be minimized:

    Are you really sure you are using the latest P3 release from GOG?

  • You missunderstood me.

    I meant when i maximize the window from monitor 1 to monitor 2.

    Not maximized on monitor.2


    Sell as much at least at 15% margin is aquired.

    The Hanseatic Empire as a whole had a profit margin at 15% anually.

    Producing timber can also make a profit, but only where it has full production.

    Even in the hardest settings. Historically the Hanseatic purchased the timber from Torun and Alborg.

    Thoose 18 Golden is lost gold...

  • You missunderstood me.

    I meant when i maximize the window from monitor 1 to monitor 2.

    Not maximized on monitor.2

    I am still missunderstanding you, I think - do you mean when you move the game (which runs in windowed mode) to a different screen?

    Are you really sure you are using the latest P3 release from GOG?

  • Sure ill do 1.1 if thats the thing youre going for. Playing GOG

    Patrician 3 cant be windowed (in that regard) its a really old game for a single-core.

    Im using Multiple Monitors to play Patrician 3 on 1920-1080 pixels on the secondary monitor.

    -See above picture for reference material. Extended mode not windowed mode..although i tested that too.

    But it became too pixellated...

    The mod is buggy as hell, (but rather fun).

    Unecessary though unless playing the Alder-man mission building new town.


    Sell as much at least at 15% margin is aquired.

    The Hanseatic Empire as a whole had a profit margin at 15% anually.

    Producing timber can also make a profit, but only where it has full production.

    Even in the hardest settings. Historically the Hanseatic purchased the timber from Torun and Alborg.

    Thoose 18 Golden is lost gold...

  • Hello everyone,

    I am trying to get a script running that prepares autoroute files that then can be loaded in the game. I am able to use the decompression written by Trolldemorted and thought I understood how stops are built in the decompressed files, but I can't seem to get them to work inside the game in the decompressed format. Am I still missing some crucial step or will I need to look further where I might still be making some mistake?

    I have taken this




    as starting points to write routes according to the given format into python. The godot project in the latter link does not work when I try running it due to missing dependencies, so I could not compare my results with the output of that.

    I am playing the steam version, in case that makes a difference.
