Beiträge von Taian

    If you use the hotkeys, it goes much faster. Spacebar brings up the trade window and the keys 1 through 4 toggle the number to sell. Saves your clicking finger ;)

    I restarted awhile ago based on some conversations with BT. Finally managed to get to the end of May. Stats as of May 31:

    Building Permissions: Only two received. Edinburgh came in on the 19th and Brugge came in on the 21st.

    Ships: Just one, bunking the Edinburgh captain. Snaikkas are under construction in Edinburgh and Brugges. Not enough pitch in London to start one there.

    Businesses: 6. Four brickworks and two sawmills in varying stages of construction.

    Population: 16,531. Most of the population has quite low satisfaction levels. I've been buying up grain in London and Brugges to feed the poor. London is sitting in the 1800s for population right now. The problem (in addition to lower satisfaction levels) is that the poor are a very large portion of the population at the moment.

    Company Value: 2,484,191 which includes about 2,300,000 in cash.

    Trading Offices: Only one additional placed in Brugges. Edinburgh doesn't have enough IG to place yet.

    I'm currently around June 10th. I have a wedding upcoming on the 16th to a woman from Danzig - high respect :)

    At the end of May, I made a trip through Hamburg and Bremen, starting snaikkas in both and also placing trade offices there as well. Three brickworks are in Hamburg, one in Bremen and there is a vineyard under construction in Brugges. So, still one ship but there are 5 snaikkas under construction which will be in before the end of July and a second is queued for Edinburgh. No loans given yet...I should probably get on that... My captain also gained a promotion on June 9th to 4/2/1.

    Just approaching the end of June.

    Currently have 5 crayers and 2 snaikkas in varying states of health (68-93). No trading offices started yet but I do have permissions in all towns. 4 captains on the ships, all on crayers and actively pursuing escort/fugitive/pirate hunter missions.

    35K cash on hand and a CV of 153,000. Things should start to pick up as I begin to dedicate some ships to trading. I plan on playing clean and no arbitrage. Promotions should start at the end of June.

    That was how I got the 84 health crayer too. Lost with the shot up crayer and then boarded on the next screen with the snaikka. I didn't want to shoot up the first one, but I haven't figured out yet how to get another snaikka before the escort mission diappears in Bremen without turning pirate.

    I'll be trying to give it a shot. Last year, school took up far too much of my time to be able to finish the contest...hoping that doesn't happen this year :p

    I've just been playing around with the start for now. Tried not going for the captain up in Edinburgh and rather upgrading the snaikka to level 2 right away. A little later on the 10th of May, usually a 4500 or so loan becomes available and can be used to upgrade the snaikka and buy up to 11 cutlasses by the time the boat is done. Then, sail on to Hamburg for the escort mission and try to capture a crayer. I did it, but the crayer was shot to kindling. However, I did manage to use it to land an 84 health crayer shortly thereafter. I think all of that took until about May 27 or 28. I'll probably play around with some other openings as well to see which I like more :p Didn't have any captains at that point.

    Play will definitely be slow for the next 4 months though while I finish up my last semester.

    EDIT: Mis-type up there...should have looked back at my game before posting. The crayer that I shot up was the one from the Hamburg mission to Brugge (not the Bremen mission). The 84 health one was from the Bremen to London mission.

    Bizpro pointed me over here and suggested I post my name as registering in the contest. He also suggested I indicate English speaking only. I've been using a translator to try and read these forums to this point.

    RF (unter Vorbehalt)
    Melchior (unter Vorbehalt)
    Robert von Tallinn
    Jovan van Helden (derZonk) (unter Vorbehalt)
    Anne Bonny *
    Dr. Nodelescu (unter Vorbehalt)
    Zeedüvel *

    *geändert/hinzugefügt Holzwurm